Enterprise Value (EV)
The total market capitalization of a company plus any outstanding debt. This is the cost of acquisition should one entity merge with or acquire another and assume the outstanding debt.
EPS Fully Diluted (MRQ)
This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the most recent interim period plus Discontinued Operations, Extraordinary Items, and Cumulative Effect of Accounting Changes for the same period divided by the most recent interim period's Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.
EPS Fully Diluted (TTM)
This is the Adjusted Income Available to Common Stockholders for the trailing twelve months divided by the trailing twelve month Diluted Weighted Average Shares Outstanding.
An investment in exchange for ownership of a company entitled to the earnings of a company after all other investors (e.g. debt-holders) have been paid. See also: stock.
Equity % - Domestic
Percentage of plan assets allocated to equity securities for Domestic pension plans.
Equity % - Foreign
Percentage of plan assets allocated to equity securities for Foreign pension plans.
Equity % - Post-Retirement
Percentage of plan assets allocated to equity securities for Post-Retirement plans.
Equity In Affiliates
Equity in Affiliates represents the share of earnings/losses that the company is entitled to from unconsolidated affiliated companies, but that has not been distributed as dividends.
Equity in Affiliates, Supplemental
Equity in Affiliates, Supplemental represents the share of earnings/losses that the company is entitled to from unconsolidated affiliated companies, but that has not been distributed as dividends.
Equity in Net Earnings (Loss)
Equity in Net Earnings/Loss represents a reversal of non-cash earnings/losses from investments under the Equity Method. For such investments, undistributed earnings/losses of the investee are included in the net income computation of the investor. Since the earnings are non-cash, these are reversed out of cash flow from operations.
Equivalent Patient Days
Equivalent Patient Days represents actual admissions/patient days adjusted to include outpatient services. It is obtained by multiplying actual admissions/patient days by the sum of gross inpatient revenues and outpatient revenues, and dividing the result by gross inpatient revenues.
ESOP Debt Guarantee
ESOP Debt Guarantee represents all transactions related to a company’s Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), such as shares/debt/loans owned by ESOP.
There are three main U.S. stock exchanges on which securities are traded. AMEX is the American Stock Exchange. NASDAQ is the National Association of Securities Dealers. NYSE is the New York Stock Exchange.
A registered marketplace where securities are traded. Securities exchanges include the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and regional exchanges such as the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and the Pacific Stock Exchange. Stocks trading on a
Excise Tax Receipts
Excise Taxes Receipts represents a government-levied tax on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of goods and services, and is included in the sale price, collected by the seller, and returned to the government. The tax can be imposed at any trade level and can either be a specific tax or a value-added tax (percentage of value).
Excise Taxes Payments
Excise Taxes Payments represents excise taxes and any other taxes collected from customers on behalf of governing authorities and paid to the authorities. Excise Taxes Payment is used only when the company does not disclose the payment in its revenue section. If this payment is disclosed in the revenue section, Excise Tax Receipts is used.
Executory Costs
Executory Costs reflects administrative, legal, and tax expense deducted from future capital lease payments to reconcile payments to present value. This item will be used when capital lease maturities are presented as gross payments (versus maturities presented at present value). It will always be reported as a negative value.
Expected Rate of Return - Domestic
Expected Rate of Return- Domestic represents the estimated return on plan assets for plans based in the company’s home country.
Expected Rate of Return - Domestic
Expected Rate of Return- Domestic reflects the estimated return on plan assets for plans based in the company’s home country.
Expected Rate of Return - Foreign
Expected Rate of Return – Foreign represents the estimated return on plan assets for plans based in countries other than the company’s home country.
Expected Rate of Return - Foreign
Estimated return on plan assets for plans based in countries other than the company’s home country.
Expected Rate of Return - Post-Retirement
Estimated return on plan assets for Post-Retirement plans.
Expected Rate of Return - Post-Retirement
Expected Rate of Return - Post-Retirement represents the estimated return on plan assets for Post-Retirement plans.
Expected Return on Assets - Domestic
Expected Return on Plan Assets - Domestic represents the reporting company’s expected long term return on its pension plan assets.
Expected Return on Assets - Foreign
Expected Return on Plan Assets –Foreign represents the reporting company’s expected long term return on its pension plan assets for plans based in countries other than the company’s home country. This item should not be confused with Actual Return on Plan Assets.
Expected Return on Assets - Post-Retirement
Expected Return on Plan Assets –Post-Retirement represents the reporting company’s expected long term return on its pension plan assets for Post-Retirement plans.
Expense Ratio, Total -%
Expense Ratio, Total - % represents the Company level Expense Ratio, as reported by the company. It shows the sum of the acquisition costs and other underwriting expenses in relation to the premium earned.
Expenses Recovered from Reinsurers
Expenses Recovered from Reinsurers represents the portion of expenses recovered from the external insurance companies, in relation to insurance that have been reassigned to other insurance providers. This is a negative figure that reflects a reduction in the total losses incurred by the insurance company.
Exploration & Production
Exploration & Production represents costs incurred in the exploration for and production of oil. Exploration & Production has been used historically, but is being discontinued.
Exploration and Development Costs
Exploration and Development Costs represents the exploration and development costs incurred by the company for feasibility studies for new wells.
Extraordinary Item
Extraordinary Item represents events and transactions that are distinguished by their unusual nature, by the infrequency of their occurrence, and the materiality of their impact on the earnings of the company.
Extraordinary Item
Extraordinary Item is applicable only if Net Income/Starting Line is income after extraordinary gains/losses. Because the operating section of the cash flow pursues changes in cash flow from operating activities, any gain/loss from extraordinary activities included in net income computation needs to be reversed.
FAD Payout Ratio, Total -%
FAD Payout Ratio, Total - % represents the Company level FAD Payout Ratio, as reported by the company. It shows the dividend payout rate from the Funds Available for Distribution (FAD) for each share. It is obtained using Dividends per Common share divided by Funds Available for Distribution per share.
Federal Funds Purchased/Securities Sold Under Repurchase Agreement
Federal Funds Purchased/Securities Sold Under Repurchase Agreement represents funds acquired from a financial institution for a limited period of time to cover reserve requirements. Although the results are the same, the providers of the varying resources are different. Federal Funds Purchased are short-term loans to other depository financial institutions without any collateral, provided by Federal Reserve banks, usually at the Federal Funds rate. These may be considered wholesale loans to other banks. Securities Sold Under Repurchase Agreement are securities purchased on a temporary basis from other financial institutions with a pre-set selling price within a short period of time.
Federal Funds Purchased/Securities Sold Under Repurchase Agreement
Federal Funds Purchased/Securities Sold Under Repurchase Agreement represents funds acquired from a financial institution for a limited period of time to cover reserve requirements. Although the results are the same, the providers of the varying resources are different. Federal Funds purchased are short-term borrowings from other depository financial institutions without any collateral, usually at the Federal Funds rate. These may be considered wholesale borrowings from other banks. Securities Sold Under Repurchase Agreement are securities sold on a temporary basis to other financial institutions with a pre-set buying price within a short period of time.
Federal Funds Sold/Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreement
Federal Funds Sold/Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreement represents funds provided to a financial institution for a limited period of time to cover reserve requirements.
Federal Funds Sold/Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreement
Federal Funds Sold/Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreement represents funds provided to a financial institution for a limited period of time to cover reserve requirements. Although the results are the same, the providers of the varying resources are different. Federal Funds Sold are short-term loans to other depository financial institutions without any collateral, provided by Federal Reserve banks, usually at the Federal Funds rate. These may be considered wholesale loans to other banks. Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreement are securities purchased on a temporary basis from other financial institutions with a pre-set selling price within a short period of time.
Federal Funds/REPOs
Federal Funds/REPOs represents an increase/decrease in cash flow due to changes in the level of Federal Funds Sold/Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreement.
Fees & Commissions from Operations
Fees & Commissions From Operations represents fees and commissions earned from commercial banking operations. Although the primary source of income for commercial banks is interest income from loans to customers, they also generate income from money transferring fees, late fees, check clearing fees, and other fees and commissions.
Fees for Other Customer Services
Fees for Other Customer Services represents fees earned from customer services other than the following:
Fees & Commissions From Operations
Commissions/Fees From Securities Activities
Insurance Commissions, Fees & Premiums
Credit Card Fees
Fees for Other Customer Services includes:
Consulting fees
Lock box fees
Other (unidentified) service fees earned from customers
Fees & Commissions From Operations
Commissions/Fees From Securities Activities
Insurance Commissions, Fees & Premiums
Credit Card Fees
Fees for Other Customer Services includes:
Consulting fees
Lock box fees
Other (unidentified) service fees earned from customers
FFO Payout Ratio, Total -%
FFO Payout Ratio, Total - % represents the Company level FFO Payout Ratio, as reported by the company. It shows the dividend payout rate from the Funds from Operations (FFO) for each share. It is obtained using Dividends per Common share divided by Funds from Operations per share.
FFO per Share (Basic)
FFO per Share (Basic) represents Funds from Operations (FFO) divided by the basic weighted average shares for the period. It is used by real estate and other investment trusts to define the cash flow from trust operations.
FFO per Share (Diluted)
FFO per Share (Diluted) represents Funds from Operations (FFO) divided by the diluted weighted average shares for the period. Funds from Operations (FFO) is used by real estate and other investment trusts to define the cash flow from trust operations.
FHLB Advances
FHLB Advances represents advances/borrowings and capital provided by Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), where FHLB is a cooperative financial institution that mainly provides funding to other financial institutions for housing, small business, rural development and agriculture
FHLB Borrowings
FHLB Borrowings represents an increase/decrease in cash flow due to changes in the level of borrowings from Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB).
FHLB Stock
FHLB Stock represents loans and other investments to Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB). FHLB is a cooperative financial institution that mainly provides funding to other financial institutions for housing, small business, rural development and agriculture. Funds are provided by cooperative financial institutions, and such funds are redistributed for community development and housing in rural areas.
Financing Cash Flow Items
Financing Cash Flow Items represents the sum of:
Increase/decrease in Deposits
Increase/decrease in FHLB
Increase/decrease in Federal Funds Sold/REPOs
Other Financing Cash Flow.
Increase/decrease in Deposits
Increase/decrease in FHLB
Increase/decrease in Federal Funds Sold/REPOs
Other Financing Cash Flow.
First Call Mean Earnings Estimates
First Call Mean Earnings Estimates are the arithmetic mean of earnings per share estimates from analysts who publish on First Call.
Fiscal Quarter
A 12-, 13-, or 14-week (three-month) period designated as a quarter (of a year) by a particular company, used for financial reporting and tax purposes.
Fiscal Year
A 52- or 53-week (12-month) period designated as a year by a particular company, used for financial reporting and tax purposes.
Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, Total
Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, Total represents the Company level Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio, as reported by the company. It is a measure of leverage of the REIT/ Real Estate company, and is obtained using EBITDA divided by fixed charges.
Float (Mil)
This is the number of freely traded shares in the hands of the public. Float is calculated as Shares Outstanding minus Shares Owned by Insiders, 5% Owners, and Rule 144 Shares.
A prediction about the future, concerning a company's earnings, revenues, stock prices, or other financial data.
Foreclosed Real Estate
Foreclosed Real Estate represents an increase/decrease in cash flow due to foreclosed real estate for banks.
Foreign Currency Adjustment
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment represents the adjustment required when a company has a foreign subsidiary that conducts business in its local currency, and then translates its figures into that of the currency of the parent company. It is located in the non-operating segment of a company’s income statement.
Foreign Currency Gains
Foreign Currency Gains represents gains on trading foreign currencies. Foreign Currency Gains, which is treated as operating revenue for financial service companies, is differentiated from Foreign Currency (Translation) Adjustments as a part of comprehensive income.
Foreign Currency Losses
Foreign Currency Losses represents losses on the trading of foreign currencies. Foreign Currency Losses, as a reduction of operating revenue for financial service companies, is differentiated from Foreign Currency (Translation) Adjustments as a part of comprehensive income.
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment represents the adjustment required when a company has a foreign subsidiary that conducts business in its local currency, and then translates its figures into that of the currency of the parent company. Foreign Currency Adjustment is defined as a part of comprehensive income by SFAS 130.
Foreign Exchange Effects
Foreign Exchange Effects represents the increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents due to changes in exchange rates.
Foreign Pension Plan Expense
Foreign Pension Plan Expense consists of all incomes and expenses associated with the company’s Foreign pension plan.
Foreign Tax
When a company reports its tax provision segmented by geographic location of tax jurisdiction, any tax provision attributable to nondomestic tax jurisdictions will be classified as Foreign Tax.
Foreign Tax - Other
When a company reports its income tax provision segmented between current and deferred taxes, any items attributable to its foreign tax jurisdictions, but not allocated to either current or deferred, will be classified as Foreign Tax – Other.
Fuel - Inventory
Fuel – Inventory represents fuel in storage as an inventory for electric utility companies. This is an important cost factor to electric power companies when oil prices are fluctuating in the global market.
Fuel Consumed, Liters
Fuel Consumed, Liters captures the total volume of fuel consumed by the airlines, in liters.
Fuel Cost per Liter
Fuel Cost per Liter captures the unit cost of each liter of fuel consumed by the airline. This is obtained using total aircraft fuel costs (excluding fuel taxes) divided by the total number of fuel liters consumed.
Fuel Expense
Fuel Expense represents costs of fuel used for generating electricity, water, or steam for distribution by utility companies.
Fuel Purchased for Resale
Fuel Purchased for Resale represents the cost of gas purchased for resale by gas utility companies.
Funded Status - Domestic
Presents funding status of plan. Funded Status is determined by deducting the Projected Benefit Obligation from the fair value of plan assets. This is the “headline” number cited when a company’s pension plan is considered “under funded”. A fully funded plan has sufficient assets to pay all current and future benefits. An underfunded plan does not have enough assets to pay all benefits. Unfunded benefit liability is the amount of promised pension benefits that exceed a plan’s assets.
Funded Status - Foreign
Funded Status – Foreign represents the funding status of plan. Funded Status is determined by deducting the Projected Benefit Obligation from the fair value of plan assets. This is the “headline” number cited when a company’s pension plan is considered “under funded”. A fully funded plan has sufficient assets to pay all current and future benefits. An underfunded plan does not have enough assets to pay all benefits. Unfunded benefit liability is the amount of promised pension benefits that exceed a plan’s assets.
Funded Status - Post-Retirement
Funded Status – Post-Retirement represents funding status of plan. Funded Status is determined by deducting the Projected Benefit Obligation from the fair value of plan assets. This is the “headline” number cited when a company’s pension plan is considered “under funded”. A fully funded plan has sufficient assets to pay all current and future benefits. An underfunded plan does not have enough assets to pay all benefits. Unfunded benefit liability is the amount of promised pension benefits that exceed a plan’s assets.
Funds Available for Distribution (FAD)
Funds Available for Distribution (FAD) represents Funds from Operations (FFO) adjusted for non-real estate depreciation and the effect of straight-line rent, less capital investments in property.
Funds From Operations - REIT
Funds From Operations (FFO) – REIT represents, according to the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. (NAREIT), net income computed in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP), excluding gains (or losses) from debt restructuring and sales of property, plus depreciation and amortization, and after adjustments for unconsolidated partnerships and joint ventures. Funds From Operations – REIT is always found in the notes.
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets represents gains/losses on sale of fixed assets that have been used for operations. Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets also represents the gains/losses on a large stake of holdings in an investee as long-term investment.
GARP Definition
GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) investors try and build their portfolios with two types of securities: 1) those that are trading at a discount to the market or their peers yet are expected to grow at higher than the market average or their peers, and 2) those whose forward PE ratio is less than, equal to, or only slightly above the long term projected growth of the company. Stated another common way, GARP investors will often say they are either looking at large cap stocks whose PEG ratio (forward PE divided by 5 year projected Growth) is less than the S&P 500 or at any sized company whose PEG ratio is less than 1. This is a more conservative investment style in comparison to an outright growth-oriented strategy. In addition, dividend yield is generally not a concern of most GARP investors.
Gas in Storage - Inventory
Gas in Storage – Inventory represents gas in storage as inventory for gas utility companies. Gas in storage may also include gas in transit, when gas is transported either through a gas pipeline or by gas tankers.
Gas Liquids Production (Barrels)
Gas Liquids Production (Barrels) represents the total production of gas liquids in barrels.
Gas Liquids, Average Production (Barrels/Day)
Gas Liquids, Average Production (Barrels/Day) represents the average production of gas liquids on daily basis, in barrels.
Gas Liquids, Average Sales Price per Barrel, Total
Gas Liquids, Average Sales Price per Barrel, Total represents the Company level Average Sales Price of Gas Liquids per barrel, as reported by the company.
Gas Operations
Gas Operations includes revenue from the sale of gas through local distribution establishments, which is regulated by local authorities. It also includes service charges related to gas distribution.
General & Administration Ratio, Total -%
General & Administration Ratio, Total - % represents the Company level General & Administration Ratio, as reported by the company. It is obtained using the total General and Administration costs incurred by the company, divided by the total revenues earned. It shows the percentage of total revenues that are used to administer the health plan, and is a measure of the efficiency of the company.
General Partner
General Partner represents, if any, equity ownership of general partnership in a company. Although public companies do not necessarily have general partner ownership, those with limited partnerships may have general partners, as well. Contributions by and distributions to general partners may be set according to the articles of partnership relationship.
General Partners' Distributions
General Partners’ Distributions represents earnings distribution to general unlimited partners. An unlimited partner is engaged in the management of the company, and has unlimited legal responsibility for the debts and liabilities of the partnership
Gold Production (Troy Ounces)
Gold Production (Troy Ounces) captures the total production volume of Gold by the mining company in Troy Ounces, during the specified period of time.
Gold, Average Price per Troy Ounce
Gold, Average Price per Troy Ounce captures the average selling price of Gold per Troy Ounce, during the specified period of time.
Gold, Reserves (Troy Ounces)
Gold, Reserves (Troy Ounces) captures the total Gold reserves owned by the mining company in Troy Ounces, as at the period end.
Goodwill - Gross
Goodwill, Gross represents the excess of purchase price over the fair market value of net assets acquired. Goodwill may consist of certain rights or privileges, but it is not specifically identifiable and it is assumed to have such value for a significant period after the acquisition.
Goodwill, Net
Goodwill, Net represents Goodwill, Gross reduced by Accumulated Goodwill Amortization. When a company reports its goodwill, net of accumulated amortization, the net figure is directly assigned to Goodwill, Net and neither Goodwill, Gross nor Accumulated Goodwill Amortization is used. Goodwill, Net includes negative goodwill (reported as a part of total assets)
Gross Asset Value (GNAV)
Gross Net Asset Value (GNAV) represents the market value of the net assets of the REIT, before any deductions for deferred tax on revaluation gains. This construct is used for valuation purposes of a REIT, and is usually used by UK REIT companies.
Gross Dividends - Common Stock
Gross Dividends – Common Stock represents total dividends declared and paid to common shareholders for a period. It represents the gross amount of dividends, before taxes withheld for stockholders.
Gross Margin
Gross Margin represents Gross Profit divided by Revenue.
Gross Margin (FY) (%)
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as annual Total Revenue minus annual Cost of Goods Sold divided by annual Total Revenue and multiplied by 100.
Gross Margin (MRQ) (%)
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as quarterly Total Revenue minus quarterly Cost of Goods Sold divided by quarterly Total Revenue and multiplied by 100.
Gross Margin (TTM) (%)
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Total Revenue minus the trailing 12 months Cost of Goods Sold divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue and multiplied by 100.
Gross Premiums Written
Gross Premiums Written represents total premiums written before adjustments of unearned premiums, reinsurance ceded, and other adjustments. These adjustments to Gross Premiums Written yield Net Premiums Earned. Gross Premiums Written also includes premiums received through reinsurance policies of other insurance companies. Insurance policies may consist of life policies and non-life policies such as fire, automobile, professional liability, health insurance, etc.
Gross Profit
Gross Profit represents a measure of a company’s operating performance. Gross Profit states the profits earned directly from a company’s revenues and direct costs.
Gross Revenue
Gross Revenue consists of gross receipts from the sale of products and services. Gross receipts are the summation of invoice values before any adjustments such as Sales Returns and Allowances or Excise Tax Receipts.
Growth Definition
Growth investors bridge the gap between the Aggressive Growth and Core Growth investment styles. They tend to be slightly more aggressive than Core Growth investors, willing to pay slightly higher multiples for stocks and trade at a slightly more active pace. In general, they are looking for companies growing at superior rates than the general marketplace, but are unwilling to pay the extremely high multiples associated with the hyper growth stocks.
Growth in Average Value per Transaction, Total - %
Growth in Average Value per Transaction, Total - % represents the Company level Growth in Average Value per Transaction for the period, as reported by the company. It shows the period over period percentage change in average customer check or bill per transaction.
Growth in Guest Counts, Total - %
Growth in Guest Counts, Total - % represents Company level Growth in Guest Counts for the period, as reported by the company. It shows the period over period percentage change in the total number of guest or customer visits to the restaurants.
Growth in Table Games Drop (Volume), Total -%
Growth in Table Games Drop (Volume), Total - % represents the Company level Growth in the volume of Table Games Drop. It shows the percentage of change of the table games drop from the prior period. Table games drop refers to the amount of chips exchanged for cash or cash equivalents for table games.